I believe that to integrate something is to ground information into our bodies. We gather information and create resolution for our inner children, our disowned selves or between opposing parts. We embody the knowledge we receive or the experiences we have. We are living it. It’s not yet another thing we mentally learned, but didn’t actually understand.

This is why integration often require some time. The awareness obtained by the mind and the experience of this awareness felt in our spirit melts together with the physical body and creates wholeness/ completion. 

Like peeling back the skin of an onion, healing happens in layers. A new version is revealed between each layer as more information comes to light. By taking time between the shedding of layers we allow our bodies to “catch up” and incorporate its new truth.

Because of this, I’m of the opinion that so called “quick fixes” often can be an unsustainable solution and that committing to the healing path is like being in a longterm relationship where we’re being challenged and confronted but also loved and supported in our growth. It’s a long and steady process consisting of a range of small miracles - on the path to getting to know our true selves.


